
Rite-Hite-Tablets-300x246There are many home remedies that can help to increase height. Home remedies for height are safe and effective and help to increase height naturally. There are many home remedies that help to increase height. Home remedies may be taken regularly. A few home remedies for height increase are:

  • Soak a few almonds overnight. Peel them in the morning and eat daily and drink a glass of warm milk. It helps in increasing height quickly.
  • Children should eat more proteins in their diet for increasing height. Fish, cheese, egg and pulses are good sources of proteins and help to increase height. They should avoid eating junk and fried foods.
  • Banana is a natural fruit that provides minerals to the bones and helps to increase height.  Eat one banana everyday in the morning and drink a glass of hot milk.
  • Exercise also helps in increasing height. Children should do stretching exercise to increase their height naturally. There are many yoga asana that helps in increasing height. Yoga is the best way to increase height naturally.
  • Children should eat a well balanced diet including all the nutrients. It helps in increasing height. Proper nutrition helps in growth of body cells and tissues. A well balanced diet provides proper nutrition to the body tissues and helps in increasing height naturally.
  • Dates and cashew nuts are also rich sources of minerals that help to increase height naturally. Boil a few dates and cashew nuts in a glass of milk and drink it two times in a day.
  • Give natural fruit juices and vegetable soup to children. It adds fibre to the diet and also enhances immunity of the children.

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Homeopathic medicine for height

Children who do not grow properly can also take homeopathic medicine for height. Homeopathic products are safe and help in increasing height naturally. Homeopathic medicine for height may be taken regularly as it does not produce any harmful effects on the body. Rite-Hite is a combination of various homeopathic medicines that help in increasing height naturally. Rite-Hite is a safe product and may be taken by children of all ages who want to grow taller. It is a wonderful product and produces quick results. It provides natural minerals and nutrients to the bones and helps in increasing height naturally. Rite-Hite is a combination of the following homeopathic remedies:
Baryta Carbonica – This is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for height. It helps to increase height naturally. It helps in proper growth of bones and body tissues. It may be given regularly to weak children for their proper growth.
Silicea – It is a useful homeopathic remedy that helps in improving digestion. It helps in proper digestion and absorption of the food. It helps to increase height naturally. It also increases the strength of bones and body tissues. It also boosts up the immune system.
Thuja Occidentalis – It provides nutrients to the bones and muscles and helps in increasing height. It is a useful homeopathic medicine for increasing height. It also increase body stamina and helps to increase energy. It also increases the strength of bones.
Calcarea Phosphorica – It provides natural calcium to the bones and muscles. It helps in increasing height naturally. It helps in proper growth of the bones and muscles. It is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for height for children who suffer from bone diseases. It provides calcium to the bones and maintains proper digestion and absorption of the minerals in the body.

Dosage and mode of administration:

Take one tablet once in a week for children below 13 years of age and two tablets once a week for children above 13 years of age.


Height is a natural attribute that depends upon many factors. There are some children who are very conscious about height and they try different medicines for increasing height. It is important to determine the relevant factors before taking any treatment. There are many products that are available in the market for increasing height. But, such products can produce harmful effects on the body. Natural therapies help to increase height naturally. It is better to use natural ways and natural medicines for increasing height.

How to increase height?

Do you want to know how to increase height? There are different factors that affect height of a person. Important factors that affect the height of a person are:

  • Diet: Diet plays an important role. Children who do not eat a well balanced diet may not have proper growth of bones and body tissues. Therefore, one should eat a well balanced diet for increasing height.
  • Deficiency of Vitamin D: Deficiency of vitamin D can also produce short height. Vitamin D helps in proper growth of bones and body tissues. Therefore, children should eat foods that are rich in calcium and they should also expose to the sun for half an hour daily to get natural vitamin D.
  • Genes: Genes are also responsible for producing short height. In most cases, height of children depends upon the height of parents. If parents are short height, children may not grow tall as same genes are transmitted from parents to children.
  • Tumor of the pituitary gland: there are some individuals who suffer from tumor of the pituitary gland. It can cause short height because growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland.
  • Chronic ailments: There are some children who suffer from chronic health problems due to which they do not grow properly. Diseases such as asthma, allergy, thyroid problems, etc may affect the height in children.
  • Lack of exercise: Some children do not go out for exercise. They stay at home and become obese due to lack of exercise. This also reduces proper growth of body tissues. They should do stretching exercise or yoga for increasing height naturally.

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