Berberis Pentarkan For Kidney Stones

Berberis PentarkanKidney stones are generally compose of calcium oxalate and are formed due to the accumulation of dissolved minerals. These substances accumulate and form solid hard balls. Some kidney stones are very small in size and may out easily without causing much pain and any other symptom. Some stones grow larger in size and cause extreme pain and difficulty while passing urine. There are many complications that may result due to accumulation of kidney stones in different parts of the urinary tract. People all over the world suffer from different types of kidney stones. There are some places where kidney stones are common. Lifestyle, diet, heredity and many other factors play an important role in producing kidney stones. Kidneys are the organs for removal of waste substances from our body. When kidneys are not able to remove the waste products properly, there is accumulation of minerals and other such substances that lead to the formation of stones. Sometimes multiple stone formations take place inside the kidneys that produce a lot of discomfort for the person.

Causes of kidney stones

There are different causes and risk factors for the formation of kidney stones. Some of the important causes for the formation of kidney stones are described below:

The most important cause of formation of kidney stones is the lack of water. Water is necessary as it helps in filtering out the waste minerals and chemicals from our body by dissolving them. People drinking less amount of water are not able to pass out the minerals regularly out of the body which leads to the formation of kidney stones. Uric acid is present in our body that makes the urine acidic and due to lack of water, there is increased acidic content in the kidneys which is necessary for the formation of kidney stones.

There are some medical diseases such as urinary tract infections, Crohn’s disease, hyperparathyroidism, etc. that may lead to the formation of kidney stones. Some people drink fluoridated water and this could also be one of the reasons for the formation of kidney stones.

People who take excessive amount of calcium and vitamin D supplements are also at an increased risk of formation of kidney stones. When calcium is taken more as per required by our body then it starts accumulating in the lining of the kidneys and leads to the formation of kidney stones.

Symptoms of kidney stones

There are some common stones that may help you to determine the presence of kidney stones. Some of the common symptoms of kidney stones are:

  • There is extreme pain in the side or the groin region. The pain may extend from back to the pelvic region. Patient may have pain while urinating.
  • Patient may complain of bloody urine or passing of blood in the urine.
  • There is vomiting and nausea may be present.
  • Patient has difficulty in passing urine. Urine may come out in drops.
  • Infection of the urine may be present.
  • Burning in the urine may be present.
  • There is constant urge to urinate.
  • Fever may be present.

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Renal stones treatment

There are different treatments available for kidney stones. Berberis Pentarkan is an excellent renal stones treatment. It is a wonderful renal stone treatment as it consists of useful kidney stones remedies. This homeopathic renal stone treatment helps in removal of the kidney stone naturally from the body. It helps to prevent surgery and also prevent recurrent formation of kidney stones. Berberis Pentarkan is a useful renal stone treatment that consists of safe and alternative kidney stones remedies. Berberis Pentarkan consists of the following renal stones treatment remedies:

Berberis vulgaris: This is an excellent kidney stones remedy that helps to remove the pain and irritation of the urinary organs. It helps in removing the stones naturally without producing any pain. It is an excellent homeopathic remedy for renal stones treatment. It gives relief from pain and burning that may occur due to the presence of kidney stones. It provides quick relief from all the symptoms of kidney stones. It also prevents recurrent formation of kidney stones.

Lycopodium clavatum: This homeopathic kidney stones treatment is a wonderful remedy that helps the people who experience blood in the urine due to the presence of the kidney stones. It is a wonderful remedy for people who have kidney stones in the right side. It gives relief from pain. It is a suitable remedy for flatulence and other digestive problems that may occur due to indigestion.

Taraxacum: This is another useful homeopathic remedy for kidney stones. It prevents recurrent formation f the stone and also helps in removal of the kidney stones easily and comfortably. It prevents formation of kidney stones. It is useful to boost up the immunity and helps in removal of the kidney stones naturally.

Urtica urens: This is the best homeopathic remedy for the people who suffer from uric acid stones. It is suitable for people who eat more proteins. This is the best homeopathic remedy for different types of stones. It relives pain in the lumbar region due to the presence of the stones. It helps to relive frequent urination and other complaints that may occur due to the presence of the stones.


It is recommended to take two tablets, one hourly in acute pain and may reduce after the symptoms subside.

Precautions to prevent kidney stones

If a person takes some precautions, then kidney stones can be prevented. Some important precautions to reduce the formation of kidney stones are given here:

  • One should drink more water or other fluids. This helps to remove the chemicals and other waste products from the body and reduce formation of kidney stones.
  • One should eat a healthy diet consisting of all the nutrients in the required amount.
  • One should not take too much supplements of calcium without taking advice from the doctor.
  • Regular exercise is necessary for proper digestion of the food.
  • One should avoid taking vegetables that contain too much seeds such as tomatoes, brinjal, etc.

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