Delayed And Difficult Dentition (Teething Problems) – Denton Tablets

Denton TabletsIn some children, teeth appear at a later age than the average. It is called as delayed dentition in children. It is not a medical problem if your child takes more time for eruption of teeth. There are numerous factors that affect the eruption of teeth in children. There are two types of teeth, milk teeth and permanent teeth. Milk teeth start appearing at the age of 6 months and continue till the child reaches the age of two and a half years. In some children, milk teeth start appearing till the reach the age of one year. Parents get worried due to delayed dentition. Permanent teeth start appearing at the age of 6 years and continue till the age of 12 years. In some children, permanent teeth appear late. There are 20 milk teeth and 32 permanent teeth. Some children face lot of health problems during dentition. They suffer from fever, diarrhoea, irritability and many other such symptoms during eruption of teeth. It is important that children should be given proper treatment for delayed dentition.

Causes of delayed dentition

There are large numbers of causes that may affect dentition in children. Some of the important causes of delayed and difficult dentition in children are discussed below:

  • Genes play an important role in the development and tooth eruption of a child. In some children, genes may lead to delayed dentition due to which their teeth appear late.
  • Nutrition is the most important factor that delays dentition in some children. If a child does not get mother’s milk or sufficient diet then dentition may be delayed.
  • Children who are larger in size may develop teeth early. Healthy children develop teeth on time as compare to the children who are weak and short in size.
  • Dentition may be delayed in some children due to some illness. Children having problems such as thyroid or pituitary gland dysfunction may have delayed dentition.


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Symptoms of delayed and difficult dentition

There are some common symptoms that indicate delayed and difficult dentition in children. Some of the important symptoms are:

  • Child is irritable and angry
  • Does not want to lie down
  • Keep crying continuously due to pain in abdomen
  • Alternate constipation and diarrhoea may be present
  • Does not want to go to the strangers
  • Fever may be present
  • Continuous gnawing of gums is present
  • Drooling of saliva from the mouth
  • Wants to put everything in mouth
  • Does not like to eat or drink anything
  • Child is restless
  • Gums become swollen and red at the site of teeth
  • Wants to chew something, sucks thumb continuously

Homeopathic teething remedies

It is important that children with delayed or difficult dentition should be given homeopathic teething remedies for easy eruption of teeth. Denton tablets are combination of excellent homeopathic teething remedies that provide relief from symptoms of difficult dentition. Children have no difficulty in eruption of teeth when taking this homeopathic remedy. Denton tablets may be given regularly to the children for easy teeth eruption. It helps in the treatment of all teething problems in children. Denton tablets consist of following homeopathic teething remedies:

Calcarea Phosphorica: This is teh most important homeopathic remedy for difficult dentition in children. It is indicated for children who have sensitive gums and are anaemic. The child may have cold feet and weak digestion. It is best suited for weak and anaemic children.

Calcarea Fluorica: It is indicated for hard swelling of the gums. There is infection of the middle ear due to which gums become hard and swollen. Child is irritable and crying all the time due to infection of the gums. It is best remedy for teething problems in children.

Ferrum Phosphoricum: It is indicated for weak and anaemic children. It helps to increase the level of haemoglobin in the blood. It is also indicated when the child has fever and vomiting of undigested food. There is infection of the respiratory system along with delayed dentition.

Kali Muriaticum: It is indicated when the child has grey and white coating on the tongue. There is chronic infection of the ear. Tonsils are inflamed and child may also have fever. It is indicated for children who suffer from recurrent infection of the respiratory tract.

Kali Phosphoricum: It is recommended for teething problems in children. There is offensive breath from mouth and mouth is dry especially in the morning. Diarrhoea is foul smelling and putrid. There is yellow phlegm in the chest due to infection of the lungs and throat.

Silicea: IT is indicated for children with large head and weak legs. Child may have delayed development. There is profuse sweat on the head and it may extend over the neck. It is the best remedy for children having weak bones.

Colocynthis: This homeopathic remedy is indicated when a child suffers from abdominal colic. Child becomes irritable due to diarrhoea and repeated passing of stool. There is profuse diarrhoea with foul smell. Child does not like to be carried.

Chamomillia Vulgaris: This remedy is indicated for pain in the gums due to delayed dentition in children. The cheeks are red with colic in the abdomen. There is great perspiration on the head. Child is restless and irritable and does not like to be carried.


The recommended dose for Denton tablets is to give two tablets three times a day.

Precautions for delayed dentition in children

There are some precautions that parents may take to check delayed dentition in children:

  • They should keep a check on children when they start putting thumb of other things in mouth.
  • Bring a soft and harmless tether to comfort the teeth of your child.
  • Proper nutrition is very important for normal teeth eruption in children. Babies should be given mother’s milk the first four month of life and after that mother’s may start with semisolid foods that may have to provide proper nutrition to your children.

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