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Diabetes Mellitus

Package-for-Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is a disorder in which blood glucose levels increase. It is a common disorder that occurs due to improper secretion of insulin hormone from the pancreas. It is easy to manage diabetes by using herbal remedies. Diabetes herbal remedies are safe and effective and help to control blood glucose levels naturally. The package of diabetes herbal remedies consists of natural remedies that support pancreas for secreting optimum amount of insulin hormone. Herbal remedies provide natural cure diabetes and do not produce any side effects. Herbal remedies for diabetes are:

1. Divya Praval Pisthi: This is a wonderful herbal remedy to control blood glucose naturally. It acts on the pancreatic cells and stimulates them to secrete enough insulin for proper glucose metabolism. This herbal remedy also helps to prevent complications.

2. Divya Giloy Sat: It is also said to be an excellent natural solution for diabetes mellitus. It helps in natural diabetes cure by providing nutrients to the pancreas. It controls the symptoms of diabetes naturally without producing any adverse effects.

3. Divya Vasantkusumakar ras: This is obtained from a natural plant and helps to control diabetes naturally. It acts on the pancreatic cells and stimulates them to produce insulin hormone. It also reduces weakness and boosts up the immune system.

4. Divya Madhunashini vati: This is a unique herbal remedy for the natural treatment of diabetes. This has been traditionally used for the treatment of abnormal blood glucose levels naturally. It helps to balance the production of insulin hormone.

5. Divya Chandraprabha vati: It is another natural remedy for diabetes treatment. It is also found to be a wonderful solution for getting rid of the symptoms of diabetes. It helps to reduce blood glucose levels naturally and does not produce any adverse effects. It converts excess glucose to glycogen and help to store in the muscles.

Package for Diabetes Mellitus

1 Pack + EMS Shipping Charges $89.00 Trackable

Dosage and mode of administration

Mix medicine no. 1, 2 and 3 together and divide the mixture into 60 equal parts. Take one part each in the morning and evening, half an hour before eating food with water.

Take 2-2 tablets from medicine no. 4 and 5, half an hour before or after food with water.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder that mainly occurs due to improper functioning of pancreatic cells. It is a metabolic disorder. The level of blood glucose increases due to improper secretion of insulin hormone from the pancreas. It may occur at any age. Depending upon the age of occurrence, it is of different types.

Type 1 diabetes occurs in children due to complete inactivity of the pancreatic cells. In this type of diabetes, people have to take artificial insulin for their rest of the life.

Type 2 diabetes occurs during the adult age. It occurs when pancreas is unable to secrete sufficient amount of insulin hormone. There is reduced metabolism of glucose and it leads to an increase in the blood glucose level.

Signs of diabetes mellitus:

It is important to know the signs of diabetes mellitus to get the right treatment. One should know the signs of diabetes mellitus for early diagnosis and treatment. Early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus helps to prevent complications and control blood glucose naturally. Important signs of diabetes mellitus are:

  • People suffering from diabetes mellitus may have increased thirst especially at night.
  • Frequent urination especially at night is also a common symptom.
  • Weakness and tiredness occur due to weak bones.
  • Blurring of vision occurs due to weakness of eyes. High glucose levels affect the normal vision and people complain of weak eyesight early in life.
  • Sudden weight loss may occur due to improper metabolism of the food.
  • Itching and burning of the skin is also a common symptom.
  • There is numbness of the extremities and patient often complains of this problem.
  • Injuries and wounds take a longer time than usual to heal.
  • Tremors and cold perspiration occurs due to reduce supply of blood to the body parts..

Home remedies for Diabetes mellitus

Home remedies are also useful for natural diabetes treatment. Home remedy may be taken along with conventional remedies to prevent complications. Home remedies are safe and may be used regularly to manage the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Some effective home remedies for natural diabetes treatment are:

  • Jamun is an excellent fruit for diabetic patients. You may dry jamun seeds and grind them to make powder. Eat one teaspoon of this powder everyday in the morning.
  • Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and keep it overnight. Eat fenugreek seeds in the morning and also drink water.
  • Papaya is also a useful fruit for diabetic people. It stimulates pancreas for normal secretion of insulin hormone. Seeds of papaya are also useful for managing the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Bitter gourd juice also helps to control blood glucose level naturally. Drink half a glass of bitter gourd juice daily to control blood glucose level.
  • Eat one piece of raw amla everyday to balance blood glucose. Amla is rich in vitamin C and it helps to boost up immune system. It prevents recurrent infections.
  • Neem leaves are also useful for diabetic patients. Take dried neem leaves and boil in a glass of water. Strain the mixture and drink it every day to control blood sugar.
  • Guava leaves also help in the natural treatment of diabetes mellitus. Boil a few guava leaves along with neem leaves to make a decoction. Strain the mixture and drink everyday to manage blood glucose levels.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and too much tea and coffee to control blood sugar. Completely avoid intake of sugar in any form to manage diabetes mellitus naturally.
  • Yoga exercise also helps to control blood sugar naturally. Perform a few yoga asana in the morning to stay active and prevent complications.

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