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DVD Yoga For Asthma By Swami Ramdevji In English

Asthma is a most common respiratory disease that affects a number of people nowadays. Asthma causes wheezing and a range of other problems such as bluish lips and chest area, tightened ribs, difficulty in breathing and more. Though there are a lot of natural medicines available for curing asthma, yoga for asthma is considered as the best remedy. Yoga not only rejuvenates your entire body but also increases the immune level by boosting organ functioning. Yoga for asthma DVD by Swami Ramdevji is one among the leading asthma cure yoga DVDs available in the market today. It consists of all yoga positions that can eliminate the diseases and stop it from recurring often.

Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma is a medical condition that needs to be treated with utmost care to avoid it from getting really serious. Asthma can also cause stroke and death in people. Understanding the early signs of asthma and its symptoms can help a person in treating this disease early. The following are few among the symptoms of asthma.

Coughing is one among the most common symptom of this disease. Excessive coughing along with difficulty in breathing may make someone really difficult to sleep. Wheezing that causes one person to create a squeaky sound while breathing is another common symptom of asthma that is characterized by swelling in the respiratory organs. Chest tightness along with a squeezing feel near the chest and ribs can also be assign of asthma. When a person is feeling the entire above symptom, they need to consult a doctor immediately for curing asthma. However, not everyone affected with asthma will develop all of the above mentioned symptoms. For few it is acute and for others it is really notable.

DVD Yoga For Asthma By Swami Ramdevji In English                     Price: US $29.00 (EMS shipping charges)

1 Pack, Reg. Shipping free     $17.00        Untrackable

Learn About the Causes of Asthma

Asthma is caused due to more than one single reason. Some inherit this disease from their parents whereas for others this could be a sudden condition that appears due to the environmental exposure. Working in areas like gas stations, textile mills, dusty areas like mines, refineries, alcohol factories, breweries and more can cause asthma. Extreme cold climate is also a reason for asthma if the immune system of the body is in poor condition. Food habits of a person can also cause asthma hence avoiding frozen and processed food items is not advisable for those who are prone to this disease.

Yoga For Asthma by Swami Ramdevji

Yoga for asthma is by far understood as the best cure for this disease. Asthma is usually caused due to the mucus blockade in the lungs area thus causing difficulty in breathing but with regular yoga and with by following proper exercise for asthma, one can relieve from this painful disease. This yoga DVD by Swami Ramdevji in English is a useful DVD in instantly learning the best yoga positions for asthma. Those who are weak and suffering from respiratory disorders can follow the given exercises for asthma in this DVD with detailed instructions from Swami Ramdevji to get rid of the symptoms caused by this disease.

DVD highlights

This DVD not only contains simple instructions rather it is a complete package of instructions, preventions, cure methods, practices, and even home remedies for natural prevention of asthma. Here are few highlights of the DVD for asthma by Swami Ramdevji in English:

  • It has all the asanas and exercised for asthma.
  • A Breif ans detailed instruction to follow is also given in simple English for anyone to understand.
  • Home remedies and quick exercises are also given in detailed.
  • Prevention details are also given in details.

This DVD for asthma by Swami Ramdevji is easily available online.

Ways to Prevent Asthma

One can allergy proof their home to prevent this disease from getting severe. Clean your carpets and change your window curtains often. Other than the preventive measures one can also avoid having furry pets at home to avoid recurrence of this disease.One can also avoid polluted areas such as dusty roads, polluted environment near quarries, mines, airborne areas thatare full of pollens, dust, and even houses that are filled with dust mites to prevent asthma.

Few Useful Home remedies

There are quick and permanent asthma herbal remedies available that you can try at home. The following are few among really effective asthma remedies that you can stock at home:

  • Ginger – this is the best medicine that inhibits airway contraction and reduces lungs swelling. Mix ginger juice with pomegranate and have it daily in the morning and in the evening to avoid asthma.
  • Figs – they are the best among the asthma remedies available today. Eat soaked figs and drink the fig water daily until you feel the symptoms of asthma is reduced or totally gone.
  • Garlic – boil 10- 15 pods of garlic and have it every day to take care of your respiratory system. Garlic avoids organ swelling and also removes toxins from lungs to prevent asthma.
  • Coffee – regular intake of caffeine can also reduce asthma to a greater extent but try to intake too much of caffeine as it is harmful to your health.

Other ingredients like mustard oil, eucalyptus oil and more can also cure asthma and also relive one from the breathing difficulty caused due to lungs inflammation.

Advisable Diet for Asthma

Asthma is a disease that can be prevented and can also be cured by following proper diet. The notable causative factors for asthma is cold hence avoid any food and lifestyle that does not contain any cold-causing food in your routine. Be it processed food, cold desserts, beverages or frozen food that can pile up mucus near the chest, lungs and other respiratory organs that can cause difficulty in breathing.

One can intake spicy and hot food to avoid buildup of mucus near the lungs area. Spicy food like pepper, chilly, garlic, and even ginger can help in curing asthma.

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