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Package Of Medicines For Parkinsonism (Kampa-Vata)

Package Of Medicines For Parkinsonism Parkinson’s disease is known in Sanskrit as “Kampa Vata,” a severe brain disorder when people slowly lose their ability to remember. It mostly affects the elderly generation of people, who are above the age of sixty five or more. It is a disease caused by abnormalities in the neurological function of human. The effect of the diseases may be varied from person to person. Some may live longer lives while some may die early. Western medicines can only treat the early symptoms of Parkinson disease and as time progresses; the effect of medicines will be reduced. This is the reason why alternative treatments like ayurveda are highly preferred to treat a disease like this. There is a different way to see illness in Ayurvedic treatment. It says that diseases occur due to imbalance in all three systems of the body, called kapha, vata and the pitta and it aims to bring the harmony in all these systems.

Symptoms of Parkinson

  • The most common symptom of this disease is movement related. During the initial stage of the disease, patients may get difficulty in movements. It includes shaking of the whole body, loss of flexibility.
  • While in advanced stages of the diseases, patients may get cognitive problems, which are also known as dementia.
  • Some may get difficulty in sleeping, depression, dizziness or nausea, problems in delivering speech and swallowing of food.

Package Of Medicines For Parkinsonism (Kampa-Vata)

1 Pack + EMS Shipping Charges $83.00 Trackable

Causes of Parkinson illness

Genetic and environmental effects are also contributory elements of this disease. In this disease, the brain cells become dead which results in loss of memory and some other symptoms. A particular type of brain chemical called dopamine is found in decreasing amounts in Parkinson patients. This chemical release neurotransmitter signals control our behavior and activities. In the absence of it, a part of the brain lost its normal function. The exact reason of this disease is still not known to doctors. It can be resulted from some medicinal reactions also.

Package of Herbal Medicines For kampa vata

Ayurveda can provide complete recovery to a disease like Parkinson. A special way of Ayurvedic treatment is massaging which is given, so that the body can get extracts of powerful herbs. As per believe, they can regulate the nervous system in our body.

  • This package is a natural paralysis cure which includes several therapies including Swedana or the hot steam therapy with Nirgundi and Tulsi leaves.
  • Nasya or nasal drops containing Ashwagandha oil.
  • Shirodhara or Ayurvedic third eye therapy consists of several essential oils.
  • Snehana or body massaging therapy, applying warm sesame oil mixed with herbs.
  • The routine also includes yoga, Meditation, Pranayama or breathing exercise for a complete healing process.

Herbal Medicines in Package of kampa-vata

Ayurveda emphasizes on a holistic healing process, which includes the treatment of the whole body and mind. It aims to make the body healthier and disease free. The Ayurvedic treatment is quite effective in minimizing the symptoms of Parkinson. Ayurveda works to restore a balance between the three main systems of our body called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata refers to the air movement system in our body and it can be held responsible for neurological disorder like Parkinson. It says that when toxic air gets deposited in the brain it restricts the normal function. The aim of Ayurvedic is to provide the brain with pure and nutritious air which will be possible by restoring a good digestion system followed by a lifestyle change.

Mode of administering the herbal package of medicine for Parkinsonism

This is an herbal package containing natural remedies for Parkinson. For total recovery of Parkinson problems, Oleation and fomentation therapies are given to patients. It is followed by rejuvenation therapies. The first type of treatment includes medicinal oil application, and then in the second phase, patients are given exposure to various types of herbal oil fomentation. Those herbs are prepared after boiling them in a certain heat. They are believed to normalize the vata functions in our body.

Prevention of Parkinson disease

  • An ideal diet may be proved beneficial to prevent this disease by reducing the toxic level in the body.
  • Less exposure to environmental toxins found in the form of pesticides and is other categories will help to prevent the disease.
  • Also staying away from intoxicants like alcohol and caffeine will be good to prevent this illness.
  • In short, one can prevent Parkinson by adopting a balanced diet full of omega 3 fatt acids, folic acid and vitamins B12 nd B6.
  • Vitamin D is an important element that can prevent this illness as it can encourage growth hormone for brain.
  • Magnesium intake is necessary as it provides relaxation to the brain by promoting good sleep and prevents depression.

Home Remedies for Parkinson disease

  • In this illness, patients lost their natural taste. So, it is advisable to take spicy foods to increase the sensation in their mouths. It will increase the appetite also. However one should take care of salt consumption.
  • Use almonds in your diet as it contains vitamin E and good for such patients.
  • Turmeric is good for such patients as studies say. It works as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in our body. So, one should use turmeric in curries.
  • Ginger is good for Parkinson patients. It can improve the appetite and thirst in patients. They should take ginger tea or ginger mixing with lime and rock salt.
  • Lemon oil is another good element for such patients. They should boil lemon oil mixing with hot water and inhale it. It removes depression in such patients.

The diet recommended for Parkinson illness

Some dietary precautions can be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

  • Our health depends on the food we take and that is why it is important to eat right. It is recommended to take high fiber foods for Parkinson’s patients like legumes, beans, cereals, pasta, rice, peas, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Salt and sugar intake should be restricted.
  • Such patients should take the maximum amount of water as they have chances of losing more water from the body.
  • Alcohol is a big no to all such patients.

Frequently asked questions about package of medicine for Parkinsonism

Can Ayurveda treat Parkinson?

Ans: Yes, ayurveda can treat almost any disorder as it is a very powerful ancient technique of treating diseases. It is quite effective and can treat neurological disease including Parkinson.

Does it contain side effects?

Ans: No, it does not produce any side effects in the body.

Can it give cure to the disease?

Ans: Yes, it is believed to give considerable relief from symptoms. However, the effect of medicines may be varied from patients and patients. It may take time in some patients to get recovered.

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