Clears Skin – Acne Aid – Tablets & Cream

ACNE AID - TABLETS & CREAMSkin is the outer reflection of inner body. If you will keep your skin healthy and clean your internal organs will also remain healthy and work optimally. Therefore, it is very important to keep your skin clear and healthy. Skin is the first entry for the germs and most of the microorganisms or disease causing germs enter inside your body through the outer skin. There are different remedies for clear skin available over the counter. Most topical creams available in the conventional system may have harsh chemicals that may produce more damage to your skin. Dryness of the skin is a common problem in many people. They suffer from dry skin and other skin diseases because their skin is not properly hydrated. Skin is the most sensitive part of our body. Application of harsh chemicals may destroy the skin cells and produce irritation and burning on the skin. Therefore, it is very important that you should choose the remedies for clear skin carefully. Before you purchase any skin remedy you should read the ingredients so that you may buy only natural remedies for your skin. Acne is a common problem that may occur during puberty in young boys and girls. Most common parts of the body where acne may occur include face, chest, shoulders and back. There are different types of acne that may affect the young individuals. Acne could be inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Inflammatory acne includes papule, pustule, nodule, and cyst. Non-inflammatory acne includes white heads and black heads. Sometimes acne may disappear as age advances because the most common cause of acne is hormonal changes. In some individuals acne becomes worse and may leave permanent scars. Therefore, individuals who are prone to suffer from acne should take remedies for clear skin.

Bakson Acne aid Tablets

Bakson Acne aid Tablets – 1 Pack, Reg. Free Shipping $13.95 shipping Free
Bakson Acne aid Tablets – 2 Pack, Reg. Free Shipping $24.95 shipping Free
Bakson Acne aid Tablets – 5 Pack + 1 Pack Free $59.95 Free Trackable

Skin dryness treatment

Many people suffer from extreme dryness of the skin. Dryness of the skin may be caused during winters due to low temperature and humidity, due to over use of harsh chemicals in the form of soaps, creams and sanitizers, due to low intake of water. It is very important to take skin dryness treatment to make skin clean and clear. People who do not take proper care of their skin may suffer from chronic diseases of the skin such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis etc.

Homeopathic remedies for clear skin

Acne aid is an excellent homeopathic remedy for clear skin. The homeopathic remedies for clear skin found in acne aid not only help to get rid of acne but also give a clean and clear look to your skin. It is a combination of safe homeopathic remedies for clear skin. Acne aid is available in the tablets which you may take orally for internal healing as well as a cream which can be applied externally on the external parts of the skin. Acne aid consists of the following homeopathic remedies for clear skin: Berberis aquifolium: This is one of the important homeopathic remedies for acne. This is recommended for any type of acne. This homeopathic remedy gives quick relief from acne. It helps in quick healing of acne and gives you clean and clear skin. It is best for dry and scaly pimples. Eruptions on scalp that may extend to face and neck can also be well treated with this remedy. It is also the best remedy for eczema and hard indurations of the skin.
Kali bromatum: It is one of the best homeopathic remedy for acne of face, pustules. Acne may also appear on chest and shoulders. This is recommended for itching of face, chest and shoulders. This is an excellent remedy to cure acne of skin in young individuals due to hormonal changes. Some acne become pustule and contain pus can also be treated by this remedy.


Acne aid tablets may be taken one tablet two times in a day and acne aid cream may be applied on the clean and rough skin two times in a day to get clean and clear skin.

Home remedies for acne

Some useful and important home remedies for acne are given below. You may try these home remedies to get rid of acne naturally and without producing any side effects.

  • Tomato is an excellent home remedy for acne. You may cut one tomato into two halves and rub it on the affected skin or you may take out the pulp of tomato and use it as a face wash to get clean skin.
  • Take some cinnamon powder and mix honey to it. Cinnamon is known for its anti-bacterial properties. You may use this mixture to apply on your face. Keep it for half an hour and then face your face with lukewarm water to get beautiful skin.
  • Potatoes are also good home remedy for acne and blemishes. You may cut it into two halves and apply it directly on the face. It not only supplied essential vitamins to your skin but also help to remove the dark circles of your face.
  • Lemon juice contains vitamin C and has an acidic effect. It has excellent germ killing properties and therefore lemon juice can be used to clean the skin. It removes the dust and germs from your skin and prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Vinegar can be used as a skin toner. You may add some water to it before applying on the skin. This will maintain the proper pH balance of your skin and keep your skin cells healthy.
  • Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a wonderful home remedy for the treatment of acne. You may crush two or three garlic and mix it with water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected parts of your skin. This helps in quick healing and regeneration of new skin cells to give you a clean skin.
  • Cucumber slices can also be used to clean the face. Cucumber helps to open the blocked pores of the skin and prevents formation of acne. This also gives a good complexion to your skin.

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