Homoeopathic Formula ‘P’ Tablets For Prostate

HOMOEOPATHIC FORMULA 'P' TABLETSProstate is a gland present in men. It is present below the urinary bladder. The prostate gland secretes a thin, milky fluid which adds to the bulk of the semen in men. The prostate gland remains small throughout childhood and begins to grow at puberty due to the production of testosterone hormone. It remains to the normal size up to the age or fifty years and after that it starts reducing in size due to insufficient production of the testosterone. A benign fibroadenoma may develop in the prostate in many older men and can cause urinary obstruction. There are four main conditions of the prostate gland that may produce similar symptoms. The four unhealthy conditions of prostate gland are discussed below:

Prostatitis: It is the inflammation of the prostate gland. It may produce discomfort when men suffering from this condition have to pass urine. There may be pain while passing the urine. If men do not pay attention to such symptoms, it may progress further and produce another complication. This condition can be easily treated by using prostate alternative medicine.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: It is a common condition found in older men. It is not a prostate cancer but there is slight enlargement of the gland which normally occurs in men after 50 years of age. There is difficulty in passing urine. Men suffering from BPH may complain of frequent urination at night.

Prostatodynia: This is a chronic disease of the prostate gland. No signs and symptoms of inflammation are present but men suffering from this condition may complain of pain and discomfort when passing urine.

Prostate cancer: Cancer of the prostate gland is a common cause of death. Once cancer of the prostate gland does occur, there is rapid growth of the cancerous cells due to the production of testosterone. The cancerous cells may break out from the prostate gland and spread to other parts of the body.

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Symptoms of prostate gland abnormalities

The different conditions of the prostate gland produce similar signs and symptoms. Some of the important signs and symptoms presented by men suffering from any one of the above conditions are given below:

When there is inflammation of the prostate gland, the patient suffering from it may have pain while passing urine. There is incontinence of the urine due to blockage of the urinary tubes.

There is frequency of urination and men suffering from benign prostatic hypertrophy have to pass the urine frequently and several times during night.

Men suffering from prostatic problems have difficulty in passing the urine. There is retention of the urine and it causes an increased blood pressure.

Urine passes slowly and men suffering from prostatic hypertrophy have to remain in the bathroom for a long time to completely void the bladder.

Prostate homeopathic medicine

Homeopathic formula P tablets are a wonderful combination of homeopathic remedies that help in the treatment of different prostatic problems. It is a great prostate alternative medicine and the remedies found in this formula are useful for the painful urination treatment. This natural prostate homeopathic medicine gives natural treatment for the prostate gland abnormalities and does not produce any side effects when it is take regularly. Important homeopathic remedies found in this formula are:

Chimaphila 3x: This is an excellent remedy for extra growth of cells in any part of the body. This homeopathic remedy helps in reducing the size of the prostate gland slowly without producing any side effects. This is an excellent prostate homeopathic medicine that gives relief from symptoms of prostate gland hypertrophy.

Clematis erec 3x: This remedy is excellent for the painful urination treatment. It gives quick relief from painful urination and frequent urination that may occur due to enlargement of the prostate gland. It helps in proper functioning of the prostate gland by reducing its size to normal.

Conium mac 5x: This is an excellent prostate alternative medicine that helps to reduce the size of the prostate gland. It controls the frequent urination. This remedy is indicated for any abnormal growth of cells in the body. It is a useful homeopathic remedy for prostatic hypertrophy.

Ferrum Picricum 6x: This helps to boost up the immunity and reduces the pain of the patient. This reduces the symptoms of painful urination and retention of urination. It is an excellent remedy to reduce fever and inflammation that may be present with the hypertrophy of the prostate gland.

Pareira brava 2x: This is an excellent remedy for kidney problems. It helps in painful urination treatment and prevents the excessive urination at night. This remedy is best indicated for prostate gland problems in older men who are weak and have low immunity.

Populus tremuloides: This homeopathic remedy is indicated for benign prostate hypertrophy. It reduces the size of the prostate gland and gives relief when taken regularly.

Pulsatilla nig 3x: This remedy is indicated when the patient feels too weak. This helps in controlling the weakness of the bladder. It provides strength to the muscles and help by reducing the pain and discomfort felt in the bladder at night.

Sabal serrulata 2x: This is an excellent prostate alternative medicine that helps by reducing the size of the prostate gland to the normal. It also helps by producing normal functioning of the prostate gland. It is the best remedy to control urinary symptoms in men and women.


It is recommended to take one tablet four times in a day.

Home remedies for prostate gland

  • It is advised that men suffering from prostate hypertrophy should avoid taking fluids at night or two hours before going to bed.
  • Too much intake of caffeine and alcohol should be avoided as it reduces the control on the sphincter.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are good to boost up the energy and reduce the symptoms of weakness.
  • Take half glass of water and put one fourth cup of apple cider vinegar to it. Drink it all day to get relief from symptoms of prostate hypertrophy.
  • Tomatoes are excellent home remedy for controlling the symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy. Men should eat tomatoes in every day diet to prevent prostatic hypertrophy or other diseases of the prostate gland.
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