Flu and Cold – AF-Tabs Tablets

AF-Tabs TabletsCold and flu are two different conditions and it is very important to distinguish between the two conditions. Cold is not as severe as flu. Cold symptoms may remain for few days but flu symptoms may last longer as compare to cold symptoms. Sometimes flu may lead to complications such as pneumonia. People of all ages may get affected with cold and flu. Cold and flu may have similar symptoms but the causative organism is different. It is not necessary to see a doctor when you suffer from cold and flu because symptoms may go away within few days by itself without taking any medication. But sometimes a person may need to take medication to boost up the immunity and to prevent recurrent attacks of cold and flu. Antiviral medications do not provide quick relief but produce side effects on many other parts of the body. Therefore, it is useful to take alternative remedies for the treatment of cold and flu. Proper rest is needed to get quick relief from aches and pains.

Risk factors for cold and flu

Some people are at more risk of developing cold and flu symptoms. . Therefore, it is necessary to take extra precautions for preventing recurrent attacks of cold and flu in such individuals. Children and old people are at more risk of developing cold and flu due to weak immunity. Other people who may be at risk include the following:

  • People suffering from chronic respiratory problems such as asthma.
  • People suffering from kidney disease or any other such complicated health problem.
  • Diabetes may also increase the risk of getting frequent cold and flu.
  • People having low immunity may also have recurrent cold and flu.

Symptoms of cold and flu

There are different viruses that may cause cold and only few viruses cause flu symptoms. Some of the symptoms of cold and flu are:

Symptoms of cold

Symptoms of cold include running nose; there is thin clear mucus in the beginning which may later become thick and green in colour.

  • Blockage of nose may occur due to accumulation of mucus in the nose
  • There is pain in the sore throat due to inflammation of the lining
  • There is constant sneezing and cough
  • Mild fever, headache and tiredness may be present in some individuals

Symptoms of flu

Symptoms of flu may include the following:

  • High fever with body aches and pains
  • There is sweating due to high fever
  • Patient has no desire to do any work and wants to lie down
  • Feels exhausted and tired
  • There is dryness of the throat
  • Sneezing and watering from nose and eyes may be present
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Nausea and vomiting may be present

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Treatment for flu

If symptoms persist for a longer period of time then one should consult a physician to get the right treatment. Homeopathic cold remedies help in the natural treatment of cold and flu without producing any side effects. AF tabs tablets consist of homeopathic remedies for flu that boost up the immunity and prevent recurrent attacks of cold and flu. People suffering from recurrent attacks of cold and flu should take proper treatment for the flu. AF tabs tablets are the wonderful treatment for the flu. The AF tabs tablets consist of the following homeopathic cold remedies:

Arsenic album: This is a wonderful homeopathic remedy for cold and flu. It is indicated when there is thin, excoriating and watery discharge from the nose and eyes. There is blockage of the nose with constant sneezing. Fever is present along with other symptoms of flu.

Gelsemium sempervirens: This is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of flu symptoms. It is indicated when there is dullness and drowsiness. There is great chilliness and heaviness of the head. Patient feels soreness and great prostration. Patient feels very weak and tired and wants to lie down.

Eupatorium perfoliatum: This is an excellent homeopathic treatment for the flu. It is indicated for acute symptoms of flu. There is congestion of the chest. Patient complains of pain in the limbs. There is headache with sensation of weight lying on the head. Fever and chills is present. There is numbness and great weakness in the extremities. It is one of the best homeopathic remedies for flu.

Bellis perennis: It is a wonderful homeopathic remedy that acts upon the blood vessels. It increases the blood supply to the respiratory parts so that there is reduction in the symptoms. It is indicated when there is bruised feeling all over the body. There is pain in the muscles and the joints.

Bryonia alba: It is indicated when there is severe pain in the back during high fever. There is headache and dryness of all mucous membranes. There is dryness of the mouth and patient wants to drink larger amounts of water at longer intervals of time. there is dryness and cracking of the lips.


It is recommended to take four tablets every three hours in a day. Children may be given half of the adult dose.

Home remedies for cold and flu

One should take some precautions to prevent recurrent infections of the respiratory organs. Some of the important home remedies for cold and flu are:

  • Vitamin C helps in boosting up the immunity. People suffering from recurrent attacks of cold and flu should eat citrus fruits such as orange, lemon, and grapes to boost up the immunity and to prevent recurrent respiratory infections.
  • If your nose is blocked, then you may take steam to get relief from blockage of nose.
  • If you have headache, then apply warm compresses on head to liquefy the mucus and get relief from pain and mucus.
  • Drinking water and herbal tea can give relief from sore throat. Water is a natural detoxifier that helps to remove waste materials from the body.
  • Take three cloves of garlic, crush them and sauté them with little desi ghee to get relief from cough and cold. It is a natural anti-inflammatory remedy for allergies, cough and cold.
  • Boil one tea spoon of turmeric powder in one glass of water. Strain after cooling and add one tea spoon of honey and lemon. Drink this decoction to get quick relief from cough and cold.

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