
Home remedies for cataract

People suffering from cataract can also use home remedies for cataract. Home remedies help to improve the sight and also prevent the degeneration of the lens naturally. Home remedies for cataract are natural and safe. A few of the important home remedies for cataract are:

  • Garlic: It is a wonderful home remedy for cataract. You can eat one or two pods of garlic daily. It helps to reduce the effect and improves your vision naturally.
  • Almonds: Almond is a great remedy for the natural treatment of cataract. It helps to enhance your vision. You have to soak a few almonds in water and keep overnight. Peel them in the morning and consume them with a glass of hot milk everyday to improve your eyesight.
  • Ashwagandha: It is a natural herb that helps in the natural treatment of the cataract at home. It also helps in the prevention of cataract at an early age. You can take this herb regularly to keep good vision.
  • Carrot, spinach and tomato: You have to take equal amounts of carrots, spinach and tomato and blend them together to make juice. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that support the normal functioning of your eye lens and helps to prevent cataract.
  • Rosewater and lemon juice: It is a very good home remedy for the treatment of cataract at home. Mix one teaspoon of rosewater and lemon juice. Add one drop of this mixture in your eyes daily.
  • Ginger, lemon and onion juice: The mixture of ginger, lemon and onion juice makes a very good home remedy for the natural treatment of cataract. Prepare a mixture by adding 10gms of ginger, lemon and onion juice. Add two drops of this mixture in your eyes daily to prevent cataract.
  • Green tea: Green tea also helps to prevent cataract. You can consume green tea regularly to improve your vision and for preventing further degeneration of the lens.
  • Pumpkin juice: Pumpkin juice is also an excellent home remedy for the treatment of cataract at home. You can drink a glass of pumpkin juice on a daily basis to improve your eye health and for preventing the symptoms of cataract.
  • Wheat grass: Wheat grass is also a useful home reedy for your eyes. You can drink one glass of wheatgrass juice daily to improve your vision and for preventing the cataract.

Homeopathic medicine for cataracts

Homeopathy also provides the best natural treatment for cataract. You can take homeopathic medicine for cataracts. Cineraria maritima eye drop is a homeopathic medicine for cataracts that helps to improve your eye health naturally. It helps to prevent cataract and also improves your vision.

Ingredients of Cineraria Maritima 10% eye drops

Cineraria Maritima 10% eye drops are made up of natural homeopathic remedies for cataract. All the homeopathic ingredients are safe and help your eyes to function normally. Important ingredients are:

  • Cineraria Maritima: It is the main ingredient of this eye drop that helps to prevent the degeneration of the lens and hence helps in the treatment of cataract.
  • Euphrasia Officinalis: It is also one of the best homeopathic remedies for the treatment of cataract. It helps to improve your vision naturally.
  • Calendula Officinalis: It helps in the repair of damaged cells of the lens and prevents vision naturally. It gives relief from pain and heaviness of eyes.
  • Kali Muriaticum: This is an excellent homeopathic remedy for the treatment of eye diseases. It provides nutrition to the lens and helps to get rid of the cataract.
  • Calcarea Fluorica: This homeopathic remedy provides nutrition to the lens and prevents degeneration. It helps to improve your vision naturally.
  • Magnesia Carbonica: It is a useful homeopathic remedy for the treatment of any kind of eye problems. It helps to prevent the cataract and also improves your vision.
  • Silicea: This homeopathic remedy helps to remove the inflammation of the eyes. It helps to get rid of the cataract naturally.


It is recommended to instill two drops in each eye, three times in a day.


A cataract is a condition of eye when the lens becomes cloudy opaque, causing decrease in vision. Most cataracts are a result of aging. Eyes are the most beautiful organ of the human body. Eyes help us to see the entire world and its beauty. But, when our eyes fail to see the beauty of the world, we feel helpless. Cataract can be prevented by taking good care of eyes.

Signs and Symptoms of cataract
  • Loss of vision
  • Loss of contrast sensitivity
  • In certain cataract double vision may be noted
  • Cataract is diagnosed in its advanced stage
  • Night vision is diminished
  • There will not be any pain or discomfort with eye affected by cataract.

How to improve eyesight naturally with food?

Do you want to know how to improve eyesight naturally with food? There are natural foods that you can consume on a daily basis to prevent cataract and improve your eyesight.

  • Carrots: Carrots are the best food that you can eat either raw or in the cooked form to improve your eyesight. You can also drink carrot juice daily to prevent cataract and improve vision.
  • Apples: Apples are also rich sources of vitamins and minerals that help to maintain your eye health. Consume one apple daily or drink a glass of apple juice to improve your eyesight.
  • Eggs: Eggs are rich in protein and helps to improve your eyesight naturally. You can consume boiled eggs to prevent cataract.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, kale, etc. are rich sources of vitamins and minerals that help to improve your eyesight and also help to prevent the cataract.
  • Almonds: Almonds also contain minerals and vitamins that support the normal functioning of your eyes. You can soak a few almonds overnight and peel them in the morning and consume with a glass of warm milk.

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