Leucorrhoea And Associated Symptoms – Pelvorin Tablets

Pelvorin TabletsLeucorrhoea refers to white discharge from the vagina of women. Leucorrhoea may occur profusely due to some infection or inflammation of the genital organs. Leucorrhoea is thick, white discharge that may smell if it occurs due to the presence of bacterial infection. The nature of the discharge may vary. Leucorrhoea produces uneasy feeling as women suffering from leucorrhoea often complains that their undergarments remain wet all the time and they have to change it several times in a day. In conventional remedies, there is no leucorrhoea treatment. Natural therapies include leucorrhoea homeopathic treatment that is safe and effective. Natural therapies provide best white discharge remedies that do not produce any side effects.

There are two types of leucorrhoea:

Physiological leucorrhoea and Pathological leucorrhoea

Physiological leucorrhoea occurs immediately after the menstrual cycle. It is natural due to the process of ovulation. There are several other reasons that may produce physiological leucorrhoea. Vaginal discharge increases due to hormonal changes. It is more during sexual excitement and pregnancy. Leucorrhoea occurs more in young girls due to puberty changes.

Pathological leucorrhoea: There are different reasons for pathological leucorrhoea. Some of the important causes of pathological leucorrhoea include bacterial infection, sexual diseases, fungal infections, injury to the vagina, pelvic inflammatory disease, and intra uterine devices may be responsible for producing leucorrhoea in women.


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Symptoms of leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea may have many associated symptoms. Some of the important symptoms that may occur as a result of excessive vaginal discharge are:

  • There may be itching of the vagina and other genital parts
  • Backache is a common symptom in women suffering from leucorrhoea
  • The patient feels great weakness and tiredness due to vaginal discharge
  • There may be frequent headaches, irritability and depression
  • There is soreness in the legs with burning of the genital parts
  • The colour of the discharge may vary. It may be white, yellow or brown in colour.
  • There is pain in the vagina during the sexual act.

Pelvorin tablets

Pelvorin is a combination of homeopathic remedies that helps in the natural leucorrhoea treatment. Pelvorin is one of the best leucorrhoea homeopathic treatments. This natural product consists of white discharge remedies that are safe and effective. All the homeopathic remedies in pelvorin give best results when taken regularly. The ingredients of pelvorin tablets are discussed as below:

Alumina: This is a natural homeopathic medicine for leucorrhoea that produces best results when taken regularly. It gives quick relief from the pelvic pains and backache that is associated with profuse discharge from the vagina.

Borax: This is one of the best homeopathic remedy for leucorrhoea treatment. This homeopathic remedy is indicated for all types of leucorrhoea. It reduces the discharge from vagina and relieves itching and burning of the genital parts. It also helps by balancing the hormones.

Sepia: This homeopathic remedy is indicated to relieve the pain that may be associated with leucorrhoea. It gives relief from pelvic pains and backache that may occur in women due to profuse leucorrhoea. It increases the strength of the legs and relieve the soreness and burning of the vagina.

Kreosote: It is an excellent homeopathic treatment for leucorrhoea. It is indicated for infectious leucorrhoea that may occur due to the presence of some infective agent. It is also one of the wonderful remedy for viral infections in women. This provides quick relief from leucorrhoea and other menstrual irregularities.

Indications for Pelvorin

Pelvorin is a great homeopathic product that is indicated for different types of female problems. It is one of the important homeopathic natural products for menstruation problems, leucorrhoea and other female problems. Some of the indications for pelvorin are:

  • Indicated for any type of profuse discharge from the vagina
  • Indicated for infections of the genital tract
  • Indicated for menstrual irregularities
  • Indicated for backache, weakness and tiredness

Dosage of Pelvorin tablets

It is advised to take four tablets, three times in a day, half an hour after eating meals.

Home remedies for leucorrhoea

There are many effective and useful home remedies for leucorrhoea. Home remedies are safe and may be used regularly at home to get relief from leucorrhoea. Home remedies for leucorrhoea treatment are given below:

  • Take one banana and dip in butter. Eat this banana two times in a day to get rid of leucorrhoea.
  • Make a paste of mango pulp and apply it on the genital area to get relief from leucorrhoea.
  • Take one litre of water and add two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds. Boil it for half an hour and drink this concoction to treat leucorrhoea naturally.
  • Take rice water and add some sugar in it to get rid of leucorrhoea.
  • Take one litre of water and add some walnut tree leaves in it. Boil this water to reduce it to half. It may used for cleaning the genital area.
  • Take one teaspoon of coriander seeds in one glass of water overnight. Drink this water in the morning empty stomach to get relief from leucorrhoea.
  • Cranberry juice is very useful for the treatment of leucorrhoea naturally.
  • Turmeric and garlic are very good anti-inflammatory remedies. You may make a paste of turmeric and garlic to take it every day to reduce inflammation of the genital tract.
  • Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice in water and use it for cleaning the vaginal area to get rid of vaginal discharge.

Prevention of leucorrhoea

  • Women can prevent leucorrhoea by making some lifestyle changes. Women should avoid drinking alcohol or smoking cigarette.
  • Women should eat green vegetables and fruits to boost up the immunity and get rid of leucorrhoea.
  • Mild exercise also helps in keeping body fit and healthy.
  • Yoga exercise should be done to get relief from backache and pain in legs.
  • Should wash vagina after passing urine and use effective douche to get relief from vaginal infections.
  • Sexual transmitted diseases can be prevented by avoiding multiple partners.

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